Dr. Watson's The Curse Of The Baskerville

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The first chapter Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes and His partener Dr. Watson are in his office investigating a cane that was placed in his office. Watson is behind Sherlock inspecting the cane and Watson comes up with a theory after reading the scripture on the cane. "To James Mortimer, M.R.C.S., from his friends of the C.C.H." Watson believes that the gift was for a county practitioner and that C.C.H. is the something hunt. Watson is proud of himself for getting aproval on his theory but just as quickly as him saying good job he examines the cane and pretty much says 99% is wrong, he continues saying that he was right about the person who this cane was gifted to was a county practitioner but the rest was wrong that C.C.H. stand for charing cross. Watson then agrees. Sherlock continues saying that the mysterious man had a dog because of the teeth marks on the cane and they continue bantering then sherlock confirms the dog to be a spaniel. Watson questions Sherlock and Sherlock states "For a very simple …show more content…

The story is about a myth about the orign of the Hound of the Baskersvilles. It was about a curse where a man names Hugo Baskersville had an obsession with a woman and one day he kidnaps her and locked her in a room in the manor, then during a party he went to check on her and found the room empty, he ran down the stairs stated he was selling his body and soul tonight and he set off to find her. When they found her it was just her body it was hugo being torn to pieces by a horrible demonlike creature shaped like a hound. Sherlock is unimpressed. Mortimer revealed some recent news may 14th the death of Charles Baskersville which occured a few days before that date. The body was found down the alley that hugo and the woman that he kidnapped. Charles had his arms ripped backwasrds and hid throat ripped to