Dr. Zimbardo's Reflection Of Professional Life In Psychology

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The article is a personal reflection of the professional life of a well-known psychologist. In his narration, he discusses his interactions with various important persons in politics, and in the field of psychology. Besides that, he also talks about his professional journey as a psychologist and goes ahead to name some of his significant achievements and awards. Many of his works have been in the form of experiments whose purpose is to test the nature of humankind when exposed to unfortunate situations or positions of power. With the results of these tests, the psychologist is then able to come up with theories that explain the reason behind the shocking behaviorisms displayed by participants at the time of the trial. Such premises assist in understanding the psychology of the human mind. Besides that, this professional is also committed to helping people out of their psychological quagmires to become happy people in society. The psychologist comes out as a man person who is dedicated to his career. He also emerges as someone who is devoted to helping the society to lead improved lives. Political affiliations: In his literature, the psychologist discusses his associations with people from different professional groups include the political class. As such, he talks very …show more content…

Zimbardo discusses his Stanford Prison Experiment conducted in 1971 in relevance to the prison abuses at Abu Ghraib in 2003. It is a shocking book presenting the transformation of an average good person into a bad brutal individual; the metamorphosis from Lucifer into Satan. At the same time, Dr. Zimbardo explains how this transformation is possible, how group dynamics and situational factors, maintained by the system influence human behavior to create monsters even of normal good people. Moreover, Zimbardo discusses how to defend ourselves from becoming an evil. At the end, he presents the victory of heroism and gives hope everyone is also able to do the most heroic