Drapo Vodou Analysis

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Sharing the Caribbean island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic, Haiti occupies a affluent, lush land in a key location. Religion is a fundamental part of Haitian life and culture. The two main religions are Roman Catholicism and Voudou, or Voodoo, a mixture of African animism (belief in spirits and nature) and Christianity. Haiti’s culture consists of large blend of traditional customs of French and African, mixed with sizable contributions from the Spanish and indigenous Taino culture.
Haiti’s culture is greatly reflected in it’s paintings, music, and literature. Haitian art is distinctive. It’s painting and sculptures are well known for there artistic expressions. Haitian art is characterized by it’s brilliant colors, naive perspectives …show more content…

Drapo Vodou is the artistic expression of the religion of Vodou. Vodou expresses the aims of the poor and disenfranchised people of Haiti. Unlike black magic, Voudou is in fact a religion based on ancestral spirits, tribal deities, and mythic figures such as the goddess of the sea. There is diamond-shaped border surrounding the central image and the widely-spaced sequin in the field behind the image with the fabric showing through. Symbols take on great essence within Haitian society. This painting contains different subjects like birds and symbols The rooster in the painting represents Aristide. The red and blue color of Haitian flag symbolizes his Lavalas party. This painting contains different colors like, Red, that symbolizes power, love, passion, energy and health, Blue, love, the color of Marie Laveau,Yellow: success, understanding, attractiveness, confidence, Black: transfiguration, removal of bad habits, grief, strife, poverty, confusion, bad luck. Fully black colored dolls are used in black magic. White: peace, security, cleanliness, health, honesty, sincerity, protection from rumors. This flag painting tells everything about Haitian culture characteristics. The central image is a representation of a spirit depicted by chromolithograph of a eve of the spirit; complex representation of particular spirit. This painting has a spiritual significance or deep-rootedness within the culture of Haiti and the motherland of Africa.The star in the painting signifies power point, a divine spark, or a pwen. Haitian’s believe pwen is the point where the human and the divine intersect.
Creating a voodoo flag is a not a easy task. Designs are sketched in pen or pencil on squares of cloth that are clamped tightly in a wooden stretcher for weeks of attaching sequins and beads by needle and thread. Geoge Valris is one of the artisan of