Drawing From Examples From The First And Second Episodess Of Latino Americans

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12. Drawing from examples from the first and second episodes of the Latino Americans, describe at least three ways that Mexicans in New Mexico, California and Texas resisted Anglo domination and occupation of their lands (be sure to name specific historical figures). Mexicans resisted the Anglo domination in New Mexico, California and Texas and the occupation of their lands. In New Mexico with the initiation of the railroad system it also brought cattle ranchers that begin to take the lands away from Mexicans. Realizing they were losing their land the Mexicans fought back. Three brothers Pablo, Nicanor, and Juan Herrera organized a resistance movement to protect the lands from the cattle ranchers. The resistance movement was call Las Gorras Blancas, who burned railroad bridges and cut miles of barbed wire. Meanwhile, in California during the gold rush, when the gold begin to run out many prospectors begin to squat on land owned by Ranchero families. The Mexicans who were living in the conquered territory, who became American by conquest believed in the American system and turned to the courts. Mariano Vallejo took the fight to keep his land all the way to the Supreme Court. Consequently, in order to pay his court costs he was forced to sell his land to a banker. In Texas after …show more content…

However, there were some white business owners that allowed Mexicans to enter and receive services. While, some businesses clearly did not want to provide services for Mexicans, so they would post signs on their windows that read “no Mexicans” leaving not doubt. In addition, some public institutions who also posted signs that read “For Colored and Mexicans” and “For Whites, Mexicans Keep Out” these were clear indications that Mexicans were discriminated and segregated just like blacks, even if there racial status was ambiguous (Foley, 2014,

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