Lilith Larkin Mr. Saal Technical writing April 25, 2024. Dress Code Argumentative Essay At Ogden School District, we have a very relaxed dress code policy. In most schools, things like short shorts, sleeveless shirts, and vulgar imagery or text are not allowed and would cause a student to get dress-coded. However, at Ben Lomond High School, many do not. While many appreciate the dress code, I believe it is important to have one that’s a little stricter while still allowing students to dress expressively. The district dress code policy states, “Matters of dress remain the primary concern of the students in consultation with their parents/guardian. Student dress shall not be regulated, except where there is a reasonable expectation.”(Ogden City School District). The dress code goes on to explain that the only circumstances under which …show more content…
Rules like these would not greatly restrict creativity within the clothes and fashion that emerges at school and would keep students mostly work-appropriate. One thing I think many dress codes do wrong in either policy or enforcement is a tendency to favor dress-coding girls. A lot of fashion that is popular with teenage girls shows a little bit of skin. Garments like various forms of crop tops, sleeveless tops, ripped jeans, jewelry, etc. are mostly worn by girls and are usually pretty heavily targeted by most dress codes. Some schools will even pick out students to test their outfits by having them stand straight up against walls to measure the length of a skirt, raising their arms to see if any midriff shows, bend over, etc. These tests seem highly inappropriate and are rarely conducted on male students, who frequently wear clothes that technically break the dress code, such as tank tops and sagging jeans. There are many examples of this, such as that of Lizzy Martinez in 2018. Lizzy had sustained a sunburn on her chest and had chosen not to