
Drinking Age Persuasive Essay

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“In 2015, 2,333 teens in the United States ages 16–19 were killed while under the influence and 221,313 were treated in emergency departments for injuries suffered in motor vehicle crashes in 2014” (“Motor Vehicle Safety”). This statistic brought up the real debate of should the legal drinking age remain 21. To some people the legal drinking age should remain 21, and that its the smart thing to do for our society. On the other hand some people think that the drinking age should be lowered to 18 because people think that once you turn 18 your mature enough to start drinking. The drinking age should remain at the age of 21. People started to realize the dangers and consequence of alcohol under 21. That's when the 18th amendment was passed, and …show more content…

This means that if one consumes alcohol before the age of 21 it can cause a lifetime of damage internally to most of all your organs in your body. Alcohol is a poison, and it's gonna do what poisons do, kill you. Alcohol is just an aid for bad brain development, a loss in memory, and possibly death if drank as a teen. Even if one does drink above the age of 21 it will still cause damage, but your body is more developed than a teen and can process it better than an …show more content…

Also people think that if you can buy tobacco products at 18, why can’t you buy alcohol at 18. Mr. Marron, a vice chairman of the appropriations committee states “Now we have a legal age of 18 to do everything else, but you can't drink until you're 21”.(Marron) He thinks that it's a “form of age discrimination.” people also think that most teens are going to start drinking drinking before the age of 21 anyways, so the Government might as well make the legal drinking age 18. This is the opposite side of the

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