Advantages And Disadvantages Of Driverless Car

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A driverless car or sometimes called a self-driving car, an automated car or an autonomous car is a robotic vehicle designed to travel between destination without human operator. To qualify as fully autonomous, a vehicle must be able to navigate without human intervention to predetermined destination over roads that have not been adapted for its use. This type of car need a high level of vehicular communication system in order to assists its to function well.

Vehicular communication system are networks in which vehicles and roadside units are the communicating nodes, providing each other with the information such as safety warnings and traffic information. They can be effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion. This system comprises …show more content…

There would be more space and no need for everyone to face forwards. Entertainment technology, such as video screens, could be used to lighten long journeys without the concern of distracting the driver.
 Over 80% of car crashes in the USA are caused by driver error. There would be no bad drivers and less mistakes on the roads, if all vehicles became driverless. Drunk and drugged drivers would also be a thing of the past.
 Travelers would be able to journey overnight and sleep for the duration.
 Traffic could be coordinated more easily in urban areas to prevent long tailbacks at busy times. Commute times could be reduced drastically.
 Reduced or non-existent fatigue from driving, plus arguments over directions and navigation would be a thing of the past.
 Sensory technology could potentially perceive the environment better than human senses, seeing farther ahead, better in poor visibility, detecting smaller and more subtle obstacles, more reasons for less traffic accidents.
 Speed limits could be increased to reflect the safer driving, shortening journey