Choices Facing Teenagers

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Everyone makes decisions and choices they regret, and some of these choices have a negative impact on people and their futures. Dropping out of high school because one is stressed, smoking and drinking because it is viewed as cool and a way to fit in, or even going to that next step with your significant other as a teen, are examples of choices facing teenagers in the united states. All of these things can lead to negative outcomes for one’s future. Alcohol leads to abuse, alcoholism, and a lot of medical issues. Sex can cause pregnancy and pregnancy may lead to abortion, which also causes other serious medical issues and even death. The choices surrounding drug and alcohol use, engaging in sexual activity, and dropping out of high school can affect a teen’s future for the rest of his or her life.
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Sexual intercourse may possibly lead to pregnancy and having a kid is something you commit your future too. Abortion is also a factor of sexual interocurce, abortion leads to many medical issues that change people’s futures. Smoking and drinking lead to cancer, and cancer is very life changing. Kemo, surgical procedures and possibly death all go along with cancer. Sometimes things go wrong in surgery so that can also affect one’s future. Dropping out of high school affects where one would go to college and where one were to get a job. If you don’t have a college degree it is very hard to get a good paying job and make something out of yourself. In the thesis it claimed that one choice a teen makes can affect their future and how they are to change, smoking and drinking, sexual intercource, and dropping out of high school are all factores or future impacts. The choices surrounding drug and alcohol use, engaging in sexual activity, and dropping out of high school can affect a teen’s future for the rest of his or her