Drug Courts Case Study

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“Drug courts are specialized courts that deal only in substance use/abuse cases. As an alternative to traditional courts, drug courts arrange for treatment for drug offenders. Upon successful completion of the program, some courts then dismiss criminal charges against defendants entirely” (Robinson, 2013). When somebody is accused and charges of drug possession, they have drug courts to handle these cases. If a man experiences the general court system, they will have more sentencing time and the fines are bigger. While experiencing a drug court they may get fines and drug programs they have to finish. They will choose the kind of court when sentenced, this relies on upon how much drugs they possess. The purpose for the drug courts and drug programs is restoration for drug users was costly; they implemented these programs to offer assistance. …show more content…

They will likewise assist a drug user with becoming clean, and have them work on their family life. Amid the process there are many types of projects for various types of cases, a man is assessed and needs to meet all requirements for these programs through the drug courts. A drug court is not generally the alternative they have different programs out there that are less in cost. Starting with costs, there is evidence that the average cost of drug courts per client is higher than alternatives such as probation. Cost estimates of drug courts range from between $4,300 per client to $11,227 per client, depending on the specific court, whereas the average cost of probation is about $1,000 per client” (Robinson,