Salaryn Makavejev Analysis

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Dušan Makavejev’s film WR: Mysteries of the Organism questions all political movements, from communism to fascism. For Makavejev, political pressure is equal to pornography of the spirit. Makavejev combines clips from interviews and documentaries to create sequences to represent the Capitalist West. He also uses scenes from the Soviet film The Vow to represent the Communist East. By doing so, he weaves the two sides together in order to create a narrative which embodies a neutral socialist Yugoslavia. Hence he is able to tackle the relationship between politics and the sexual revolution in both the East and the West. By using clips from newsreels and documentaries, Dušan Makavejev tackles the relationship between politics and the sexual revolution …show more content…

While still remaining socialist and a friend to the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia was one of the most industrialized and developed countries in the Communist East. They were incredibly open to the western side, and so in the 1960s and 1970s, many western political ideas entered the country, including the sexual revolution, making Yugoslavia a middle ground in terms of both politics and sexuality. In the film, Makavejev creates a narrative where he focuses on the sexual revolution and so he is able to determine the path of the characters in whatever way he chooses. Makavejev puts a lot of emphasis on the sexual revolution; almost every exchange between characters has to do with sex. He ties politics in with this by introducing a Russian skater, Vladimir Ilyich, who Milena immediately falls in love with. She is so liberal when it comes to sex, however she denies all sexual advances from everyone except the skater. The skater represents the Communist East, since his full name is the same as Lenin’s, and Milena, with her belief and support of sexual liberation, represents the Capitalist West. Together, Makavejev is able to solidify a narrative and tackle the relationship between politics and the sexual revolution in socialist …show more content…

Through the editing used in the movie, he combines political and erotic clips from documentaries, movies, and newsreels, creating a montage which relates politics and sexuality. He also ties the East and West together with a narrative he created to weld together politics and the sexual revolution in Yugoslavia as well. With these three political movements, he relates them all back to the sexual