Dualism In The Scarlet Ibis

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Two green vines, cruelty and love In James Hurst’s “The scarlet ibis”, the dual meaning of green foreshadows brother’s duality, cruelty and love will eventually lead him to Death. Brother first appears in the story with colour green, suggesting connection between them. Brother “[sitting] in the cool, green draped parlor”, reminisces about his memory of Doodle (89). In general, the verb ‘sitting’ gives impression of comfort while colour green gives impression of a love of nature, family, and the home. Appearance of Brother simultaneously with green colour convinces the readers to think of Brother as the image that green gives, in this case, the love of family. Moreover, exposure of Green’s dual meaning through Paris Green affects Brother and …show more content…

After Brother realizes Doodle’s potential, he expects more from Doodle to achieve his impossible dream. Brother and Doodle devote themselves to Doodle’s training. Meanwhile, death of Doodle approaches closer. Green colour occupies the surrounding, warning and foreshadowing Doodle’s destiny. In Old Woman Swamp, Brother and Doodle are “descended into cool greenness” (91). Cool greenness of Old Woman Swamp reminds of delightful atmosphere, though the scene creates an illusion that Doodle has accomplished the Brother’s impossible dream. The word “descend” implies that Brother is descending into the dark side of the greenness, disguised by his own joyness of success and being incognizable of Doodle’s health. As the due date for Doodle’s school approaches, Old Woman Swamp changes visually and emphasizes its detrimental image to foreshadow Doodle’s future which is near them. The Old Woman Swamp is now coloured with “dark green woods”, which is “shady and cool” (99). Darkness and shadiness of green establishes invisible imminent future and gives a feeling of warning that Doodle’s death is around the corner. And once they face their failure, Brother cruelly leaves Doodle behind the heavy rain