Duckweed Lab Report

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“Duckweed Recap” The duckweed lab was done to see the effects of road salt on the production of duckweed fronds. The purpose of this lab was to see if the salt concentration significantly affected the growth of the duckweed fronds. We had five different glass jar, one being a control with no salt in the water solution and four jars with different amounts of salt water concentrations and five ml of miracle grow in them. We started the experiment by putting four healthy and green duckweed plants with two fronds on each in every jar. Then we observed them on different days describing them with qualitative and quantitative observations. Before the lab I expected the duckweed to show some sort of effect to the salt water because it is an indicator species. …show more content…

Before this lab I knew road salt was used on the roads to help melt the ice in winter. To melt the ice I knew that the salt absorbed some water. Also you do not want to use soft water to water plants because the soft water has gone through the water softener, which uses salt to soften the water. When we first started the experiment the duckweed fronds were green and healthy. Also each container had four plants with two fronds on each plant. The three classes average quantitative data is 15.9 fronds for the 0%, 7.5 fronds for the 10%, 8.1 fronds for the .1%, 10.7 fronds for the .001%, and 11.9 fronds for the .00001%. mY groups quantitative data in the final observation day was 15 fronds for the 0%, 8 fronds for the .10%, 8 fronds for the .1%, 10 fronds for the .001%, and 14 fronds for the