Duncan Jones: Warcraft Two Movie Genre

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After the success of “Warcraft,” director Duncan Jones is ready to hit the production wheel again to create a “Warcraft 2” movie sequel only if he is allowed. Jones has been hinting at a “Warcraft 2” movie sequel in the next few years. World of Warcraft followers are eager to see WoW favorites in the future movies. According to The Inquisitr, the first movie was a retelling of “Warcraft 1.” It was the story between Orcs and Humans. That is why the first movie is focused on the First War. That also meant that the first movie did not feature other character favorites like the Undead, Night Elves, Blood Elves, Worgen, Death Knights and Horde Paladins. Duncan knew that his role was to establish the story and the characters right, in the first