What Is The Relationship Between The Dutch And The Pequot

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The Age of Discovery was a period of time in which a profuse amount of Europeans as well as non-Europeans enlisted in extensive amounts of expeditions in search of trades routes, new lands, and riches. Within this period of time it was not uncommon for two or more groups, colonies, or kingdoms to make contact with one another, positively or negatively. Two groups in particular had interactions with each other that was ultimately disastrous for one of them. The Dutch and the Pequot’s relations together are some-what undefined in the sense that their first encounter with each other is not clear for complete accuracy. This essay explains a portion of the encounters between the Dutch and the Pequot in relation to the Age of Discovery. In the beginning, …show more content…

The Dutch West India Company could have brought the two parties back to good terms, but were busy as they tried to settle personal and political feuds in the Dutch Colony and were quite slow in attempting to repair such relations with the Pequot. The failure of the Dutch and the Pequot to reach good terms lead to the drawing of attention by the neighboring Puritan colonies, who envied the lands that the Pequot inhabited, because of its fruitful enriched …show more content…

The Pequot War, entailed that the surviving Pequot men and women not to be called Pequot people any longer. The intention of the English were to meet colonial domination of the Indian tribe, which meant for the eradication of the Pequot, materially and culturally. After the victory over Pequot forces in a swamp battle and the further accumulation of more Pequot captives, an assessment by Roger Williams stated that it had (againe pleased the most High to put into your hands another miserable drove of Adams degenerate seeds” ( Cremer

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