Dylan Thomas Poem

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Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
Dylan Thomas was a literary artist who lived during the early 1900s. He wrote poems like, “Fern Hill” and “A Childs Christmas in Wales.” As a child Thomas’ father read him many literary works and poems and these kindred his interest in literature. This helped him grow a strong relationship with his father which explains the content of one of his more famous poems. The poem, “Do not go gentle into that good night”, by Dylan Thomas details a man begging his father not to let death end his life before he passes and, he does this through the repeated phrase, “rage against the dying of the light”, asking his father to be “fierce”, and talking about how most men are forgotten and begging his father One method Thomas uses in writing his poem is repetition of several powerful lines. The most powerful lines is, “Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” The repetition of this line shows how Thomas feels about his father and how much he needs him to stay. Another line that is repeated is, “Do not go gentle into that good night.” This line is obviously the title of the poem and stresses an encouraging message to his father. Thomas seems to really care for his father and the messages conveyed in these repeated statements demonstrate. Another method Thomas uses in his poem is including powerful language. He says things like, “burn, grave, and rage as well as fierce.” These all are used in some way to grab the readers attention or