EYLF 3.2, Gross Motor Movement

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Aaa is maintaining a stationary position on the balance beam, standing still on both feet to find the balance of her body and the centre of gravity, then slowly moves forward to the other end of the beam, alternating feet while maintaining momentum (EYLF 3.2, gross motor movement and balance). Bbb is playing in the kitchen corner, which shows her understanding of adults ' roles and interpreting by acting out the actions with kitchen toys and props (EYLF 1.3, showing their points of view in dramatic play). Ccc was pouring sand in the sand and water wheel and discovered cause and effect from seeing the wheel spun sand ran down the tube and hit the wheel (EYLF 4.2, experimenting with cause and effect). Ddd enhanced his hand-eye coordination, and big and small muscle control while scooping sand with a shovel and pouring it into a bucket (EYLF 3.2, gross and fine motor movement). …show more content…

Eee waved her hands in the air to display a good control over her body 's movements (EYLF 3.2, spatial awareness). Fff and ggg jumped up and down and giggled at each other (EYLF 3.1, social development). Ggg was listening to the song with great concentration and shouted 'YAY ' and requested 'more, more ' at the end of the song (EYLF 5.1, language development). Bbb and ttt engaged in painting orange carrots, green peas, and yellow corns based on the 'I like peas ' story read by Salvana earlier in the morning