Eager Pyle: The Pursuit Of Love

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Eager Pyle represents the premise of involvement. Pyle teaches Fowler that “it’s not a matter of reason or justice. We all get involved in a moment of emotion and then we cannot get out. War and Love—they have always been compared’.” (Greene, 1955, p.144). Love for Pyle is about commitment and being proactive in the pursuit of love. Unfortunately, Pyle does not take into consideration Fowler 's desire to maintain his relationship with Phuong. For Pyle, “the keyword was marriage. Pyle believed in being involved” (Greene, 1955, p.21) and being in a loving, committed relationship. “He was absorbed already in the dilemmas of Democracy and the responsibilities of the West; he was determined –I learnt that very soon- to do good, not to any individual person but to a country, a continent, a world.” (Greene, 1955, p.10). Pyle was young and passionate when he first arrived in Vietnam. He had high hopes for what he might be able to achieve. Although he was a CIA agent and his information was contributing to hundreds of death, he honestly believed that his actions would in somewhat at some point, help the country of Vietnam stabilize politically and perhaps end the war. Radecki (2015) explains that Pyle could not fully comprehend the results of his partaking and the possible horrors that might come from this in the future. Contextually, within the Vietnam War, America was extremely involved despite the fact that much of the American population did not support the war at all. Within