Early Childhood Observation In The Classroom

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It was the first day of Observation, there were 4 teachers present in the classroom and 10 toddlers. At the time of the observation everyone was washing their hands for snack time. The children sat down at the tables for snack and began to eat and grab their snacks form the bowls that where placed in front of them. I notice that the teachers where interacting with everyone during snack time and asking questions. After snack time was over it was time to clean up their messes from the table. There were many different areas that the children could choose from, there was a music area, reading, jungle gym and even a sensory table. On this day of observation, there was a set up at the table where there was paint placed into zip-lock bags and the bags where then tapped onto the table. After being tapped onto the table the children could come over and feel the bags with the paint inside, there were multiple bags with other colors. Another activity that the toddlers got to enjoy on that day was an activity at the sensory table. The table was filled with confetti paper and inside all the confetti was pictures of all the children in classroom. Each child had to dig through the confetti and find pictures of themselves but decided to find pictures of others in the classroom. Around this time, it was time …show more content…

The first thing that I notice was all the labels all around the classroom, there was labels on the clocks, near the bathrooms, play areas etc. On this day of observation there was a lot of pretend play, dressing up and role playing. At the drawling table, there was children sitting at the table with a magazine cutting out pictures. One of the teachers suggests that she reads a book and that everyone acts out what she’s reading, kind of like a play. The children in the play area became more interested in the idea of acting out the book being read than others and even brought

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