Early Christianity Vs Buddhism Essay

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Buddhism and Early Christianity both date back thousands of years. Buddhism dates back to sixth century C.E. making it approximately 1,400 years old. Christianity as a whole started to emerge as early as the first century C.E making it a little over 2,000 years. Both religions are unique in their beliefs, ways of worship, and structure, however they do share similarities. Such similarities include how the religions spread into popularity and their core values. They both also focus on morality and deliverance from temptation and suffering. Buddhism is not centered on a god unlike the monotheistic Christianity, which follows rules and mandates of a single God and the example of his one and only son, Jesus Christ. Buddhism however, is more about personal enlightenment and reaching a transcendent stage of bliss and wisdom called Nirvana. Siddhartha Gautama founded the religion, although …show more content…

In Buddhism it is to follow the Middle Path or the Eightfold Way. In Christianity it is to live without sin and to follow in the humble ways of Jesus Christ. Buddhism and Christianity both bring about the belief that material things and pleasures do not make you truly happy and will ultimately end to suffering. Also, that one must treat others with love and respect for if you don’t you will not be happy and will suffer. Examples of these views are found in scriptures like the Buddhist book of concepts called the Dhammapada Pāḷi and in the Bible. “Give of thy bread to the hungry, and of thy garments to them that are naked; and according to thine abundance give alms: and let not thine eye be envious, when thou givest alms.” (Tobit 4:16, King James Bible, Auth. Ver., Cambridge Ed.). “Do not speak roughly to anyone: those thus spoken to will answer back. Painful indeed is angry talk, (as a result of which) one will experience retribution” (Dhammapada: The Way of Truth

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