1906 Earthquakes Report

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How the Science of earthquakes was started in North America after the California Earthquake of 1906
The California earthquake of April 18, 1906 is one of the most significant earth quakes of all time. The 7.9 magnitude earthquake ruptured the northernmost 477 kilometers of the San Andreas Fault from the northwest of San Juan Bautista to the triple Junction of Cape Mendocino. The earthquake caused severe damage with reports indicating that it caused more than 3,000 deaths and destroyed more than 28,000 buildings (Borcherdt, & Gibbs, 1976).
The earth quake allowed planners to create a new and better city; the earthquake destroyed many buildings and in the process created room for development of a better city and new towns around San Francisco. …show more content…

This investigation developed the first comprehensive post-earthquake investigations. This investigation was chaired by Andrew Lawson among other geologists. This report offers a comprehensive understanding about the fields of geology, geodesy and seismology.
The report also revealed the magnitude of damage within San Francisco and evidence of similar earthquakes in the past. The report also revealed the reason behind earthquake reoccurrence in the areas.
The 1906 earthquake and the Lawson report indicated the importance of accurate, widespread and repeated observation of earthquakes and the faults on which the occur. This report led to understanding of earthquakes in the region. In addition, this report led to understanding of when the San Andreas is expected to experience another earthquake.
Although the report released by Lawson provided insight about earthquake occurrence, it cannot help scientists and geologists to accurately predict when the next earthquake will occur. However, with advanced monitoring systems and computing power may help in better preparation of future earthquakes. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake brought geologists and scientists together and led to an understanding of earthquakes; how they occur, why they occur and how the world can prevent and manage such disasters in …show more content…

D., & Gibbs, J. F. (1976). Effects of local geological conditions in the San Francisco Bay region on ground motions and the intensities of the 1906 earthquake. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 66(2), 467-500.
Shostak, N. C. (2009). Intensity of the 18 April 1906 earthquake in and near San José, California. San Jose State University.

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