Easter Island Persuasive Speech

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I have never done anything like this . . . publish a book - nor have I wanted to. I am about to make information public that in my view is world-changing – and making this public is perhaps the last thing I want to do. This has a lot to do with the powers that be, as well as not wanting to become a part of the endless conversation – but nothing is private these days . . . and apparently I can no longer avoid the conversation. I wonder who you are – the handful of readers who now find this information before you. In truth, this is a note in a bottle, cast out into the infinite in hope of reaching just one or two or three of you who will understand – and hopefully be of a mind and capability to do something about the almost impossible situation we now find ourselves in.

There are over 7-billion of us now . . . almost three times more people than when I was born. We are ignorant locusts on a tiny blue miracle of a planet, devouring all before us – our evolution to this point necessarily dependent primarily upon a built-in survival mechanism based upon fear as it slowly moves towards a more expanded, aware, compassionate way of being. The 'lucky' ones devour the most, made obese by the glut …show more content…

. . only to consume everything there, doomed to isolation and extinction when there were no more trees left to craft the canoes so necessary for survival. Easter Island is a speck in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, the humans stranded there long ago by their own means, the island ravaged, their choices gone – one of many such examples. We now find ourselves in just that situation . . . stranded on a finite planet of dwindling abundance in the infinity of the Universe, devouring everything in our way, refusing to curb our appetites, oblivious to the dark future we are certainly creating. We have not changed much where it counts the

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