Summary Of The Movie 'Lying'

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In Proverbs 7:25 it states, Review I. Plot “Let’s not, and say we did.” Easy A tells the story of Olive who lied about losing her virginity to her friend Rhi. Most of the movie is narrated by herself during a webcam session where she tells the truth about all her lies. As she told the first lie about losing her virginity, she describes it as if, “I just started piling on lie after lie, it was like setting up jenga.” Soon, her lies started to get out of control. Her best friend tells Rhi that there is a new rumor at school where it says the Olive punched another girl. In response, Olive says, “I worry about the way information circulates at this school.” Therefore, she starts to heavily regret her lies because her she loses all her friends at …show more content…

As Olive started to stray away from her path to try and resolve this rumor, she embraced it and finally came to a point of regret. As Christians we should try to follow this verse and not be tempted into popularity and peer pressure. When we get strayed of the path it is difficult to go back into the right direction. In this case, Olive was finally able to get back on her path when she realized that some people really like her parents and Todd do care for her even against all odds. God speaks through people to help us during the hard times when we believe he will help us. In the movie, Olive goes to a church and meets a pastor to ask if lying or adultery is worse. This scene intrigued me because Olive was able to find help through God. However, when she found out that the pastor when was speaking to Marianne’s dad, she immediately ran away and regretted her decision. At this point in the movie, I thought the movie would redeem Christians to help her solve her problems. But yet again, Hollywood only believes in the “stereotypical self- righteous Christian.” Instead of running away from our problems as Olive did we should turn towards God for