Effects Of Social Media On Romantic Relationships

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The use of social media has become one of the largest data platforms across the world. Social media can be used in so many ways including negative and positive. It has been proven to help create as well as flourish established relationships such as, online dating, couples counseling via facetime and many more attributes. Some negative and positive examples include: online dating, spousal jealousy, solidarity, transparency, cheating etc. In this paper, the role that social media plays on romantic relationships is investigated. This study is hypothesized that social media can have negative and positive impacts on romantic relationships. The following literature reviews have attempted to demonstrate and support this hypothesis.
Cizmeci, E. states …show more content…

Usually social media is used to connect with friends around the world, as well as just keep in touch. In many instances, it is also used to create, maintain, or give the world an idea about your personal romantic relationships. Rus, H.M & Tiemensea (2017) state that ‘’given the global popularity of social media, it can apply to many demographic variables in terms of race, gender, and even social status.’’ (p.686) Social media sites can provide a frame for future relationships. In the social media world you can provide your career status, daily life values, religious beliefs and more. This can very well be eye catching for an individual which can then set up a future relationship. Following a trend (Rus, H.M, Tiemensea) found that 35 % of all couples married in between 2005 and 2012 initiated their relationship online. (Rus. H.M. Tiemensea …show more content…

Spencer, Lamberton, Hubler and Burr state that video games can lead to increased relational conflicts as well as lower relationship satisfaction. (pg 81). As a girlfriend, I have experienced firsthand being ignored by my significant other who was playing the video game. Social media, or just media in general can be a distraction in a relationship but it can also bring two people together. Texting, facetiming, and playing video games can all lead to relationship bonding. This in return can have a positive as well as fun impact for relationships. A research study was conducted by asking a sample of participants how their partners social media affected them. Many of the women stated, “I feel ignored by my partner when he/she is spending time using media,” and “I feel that my partner spends time using media when he/she should be spending time with me and/or the family.” (spencer, Lumberton, hubler, burr. 2014)(p.83). This drew the conclusion that the use of social media does have a withdraw effect in