Eating Disorders Case Study

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Eating Disorders are very prevalent and affecting the lives of many individuals due to the over exposure of image standards set by mainstream media outlets and the lack of self-esteem on the behalf of viewers. Society has established a standard for what beauty is and people strive to abide by the beauty standard. The repercussions to over exposure of mainstream beauty standards leads a disturbing increase in the prevalence of eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia. These devastating conditions are affecting millions of people as people continue to seek approval, feel connected and conform to the societal norm for beauty. It is important for counselors to understand how to identify signs and symptoms of bulimia and anorexia in clients, as there may be early warning signs present in their behavior and appearance. Sometimes a eating disorder can go unnoticed therefore it is necessary to assess the client for possible causes to there presented psychopathology or presented somatic symptoms. An eating disorder of anorexia may be accompanied by signs of extreme weight loss, noticed through thin appearance, constant fatigue, and may be accompanied by dizziness, fainting or dehydration in some instances. Therefore it is important to be aware of the client and upon entrance into counseling it may help to take a full physical assessment …show more content…

It is useful to understand the factors that influence health concerns regarding anorexia and bulimia from an individual’s perspective. With the aid of self-esteem building exercises, coaching, and meal planning individuals can develop a healthy way of function. People can become reconditioned to respond to life events in healthy was and become conditioned to be conscious of their body and eating habits without overly suppressing their desire to eat or overly consuming food to suppress stress or