Eating Disorders In America Essay

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I took her hand, expecting to feel the warmth from her skin jolt through my body, but all I felt was an icy, cold touch. I gripped around her, in a tight embrace expecting to feel the usual comfort of her body, but all I felt was a skeleton slowly crumbling in my arms. I press my lips to hers expecting to feel the shock of electricity, but all I felt was her slip through my arms and leave me forever. When I looked at her, all I saw was beautiful, all she saw was flawed, now, because of those “flaws” she will never get a chance to see the beauty that I used to see each and every day. This was all because she wanted the number on the scale to go down. She didn’t ever realize that the scale isn’t what reflects her, It’s her heart that I loved, …show more content…

Society does not take these diseases seriously and have no idea how much they change our society. Just in America 10-15% of people suffer from a type of eating disorder. In the world today there are about eight million people facing a constant battle with eating disorders. Seven million of these eight million people are women, and one million of them are men. This shows the fact that more women are diagnosed with eating disorders than men. Out of these eight million people only fifty percent of them are cured, and those who aren’t cured face a serious risk of death. Most people trying to overcome eating disorders don’t reach for help, because they don’t want anyone to know how much they’re hurting themselves. Twenty percent of people struggling with eating disorders end up dead within 20 years. However, people can watch for warning signs in loved ones to keep this disorder from spiraling out of control. Warning signs include sudden strict dieting, weight watching, calorie watching, constant obsession of body size, and sudden obsession over physical appearance. In a case where you can’t control the disease the following will begin to occur; thinning of bones, hair, skin, and nails. The person suffering will also face the struggle of muscle weakness, low blood pressure, slight heart fluctuations, increase in depression, and for women, a lack of menstruation. Once this occurs, that's when the disease has begun to take a turn for the