Obesity And Eating Disorders: Article Analysis

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Obesity and eating disorders have become a big health issue, especially in children and teenagers. For both of these disorders treatments exist. Since they are different disorders, their treatments are different as well. But, maybe these two disorders are not as different as people think. An article call “Can we Simultaneously Work toward the Prevention of Obesity and Eating Disorders in Children and Adolescents?” explains this.
This article, which is written by Dr. Neumark-Sztainer, talks about the importance of developing an educational program about eating disorder and overweight, together. It explains the difference and the similarities between them. It also explains the challenges of joining this two themes together and it also explains how joining them is not impossible. The overweight program is, obviously, for people who are overweight to teach them how to eat healthy and lose weight in a healthy manner. It teaches how being overweight can affect the health of the person. The eating disorders program teaches …show more content…

It is a call for them to come together. I can see this when Dr. Neumark-Sztainer says; “Communication between professionals within the obesity and eating disorder fields is needed to develop a common language and mutual appreciation for the seriousness of the range of weight related conditions” (223). If they do decide to come together and do a prevention program of these two disorders, this can help many people, because either overweight or eating disorders have affected everybody’s lives in a way. Maybe a person is not overweight but a family member or a friend is, and learning about this problems can teach us to help each other to prevent and/or fight this health problems. For this article she is using the evidential appeal. She is using logic to convince these organizations that a better way to prevent these disorders is, if a program joining them is