Eating Disorders: The Death Of Karen Carpenter

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The death of Karen Carpenter has changed the way society looks at Anorexia. Carpenter’s death raised awareness of the dangers of eating disorders which until this point had publicized or even understood. Carpenter was the first casualty of an eating disorder. After her death other public figures shared their own struggles with Anorexia and Bulimia (Latson10). Eating Disorder are a dangerous illness that affects a person, not only mentally, but emotionally, and physically which can lead to death and other serious health problems. Some causes of eating disorder can be related to social and psychological factors, biological factors and excessive dieting, or obsession with weight loss. Some psychological factors include, low self-esteem, depression, …show more content…

Do you agree or disagree? With a mental illness, they are diseases or conditions that affect how you feel, think act or relate people and your surroundings. Symptoms range from mild to serve and will range from person to person. Once you start to understand your eating disorders, you can recognizer healthy and unhealthy thoughts. Unhealthy thought, “I cannot stop eating. Why should I even try to stop myself from finishing this bag of chips?” Healthier thought “I can choose to put this bag of chips down and go to the other room until my cravings pass.”(Pagan and Miller14).
Treatment will help you to learn, to accept yourself, and to give up on unrealistic ideals that bare just unhealthy. During treatment, your therapist will help realize and help encourage you to eat balanced nutritional meal and make healthy choices. Therapist want you to know and understand that it is natural to have bad feelings about being overweight, we live in a society that continues to send out messages that thin is acceptable. Just remember to discuss with your doctor your options regarding your weight …show more content…

Males- .3% of men will struggle with anorexia (The National Institute of Mental Health13).
• .5% of men will struggle with bulimia (The National Institute of Mental Health13).
• .2% of men will struggle with binge eating disorder (The National Institute of Mental Health13)
People with eating disorders tend to have unrealistic expectations of themselves and others. Regardless of their achievements, they see themselves as worthless. Everything is either good or bad, black or white, no room for gray. If fat is bad and thin is good, then being thinner is better and thinnest is best. Don’t wait to get help. Like all bad habits, unhealthy eating pattern become harder to break longer a person does them. The most critical thing about treating eating disorders is to recognize and address the problem as soon as possible. Eating disorders do not get better by themselves (New 11). Eating disorders can either take your life or you can take control of your eating disorder by getting treatment and reclaiming control of your life. Your life matters, do not let any eating disorder control you, you control the eating disorder and choose the live your life healthy and not die trying to be