
Ebola West Africa Essay

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Infected Animals: Ebola in West Africa
The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa is now the largest in history, but how society is just learning how it is spread. One way is by animals such as monkeys , bats, aps , pigs , and dogs. When we talk about Ebola what really is it? Well Ebola is a deadly disease that is found in several African countries. Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Thomus). Since then, outbreaks have appeared all over West Africa. Ebola is caused by infection with a virus of the family Filoviridae , genus Ebolavirus. There are five identified Ebola virus species, four of which are known to cause disease in humans. Animals continue to spread Ebola through West Africa. …show more content…

Airborne and droplets transmission both technically travel through the air to infect others. “The difference lies in size of the infected particles “ (Rettener).Smaller droplets persist in the air longer if you may say , and are able to travel more further then the large droplets. The smaller droplets are truly “air borne through animals” (vandorcoop) .Larger droplets can neither travel as far nor persist for very long in the air. Fomites are inanimate objects that can transmit disease if they are contaminated when the disease has passed through. This means that monkeys are at risk For contracting , and spreading Ebola. For that reason monkeys should not be allowed to have contact with anyone who may have Ebola. If so a person may could become infected by a monkey with Ebola if he or she comes in contact with the monkey's blood or body fluids such as saliva, vomit, poop or pee. A person could also become infected by touching a monkey that died of

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