Ecological Model Of Occupational Therapy

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Travis Barry Foundations II Occupational Therapy Program September 26, 2017 I) The three core principles that are shared by ecological models, the Model of Human Occupation, and the Theory of Occupational Adaptation comprise of: Person: • Values and interests, skills and abilities, and life experience. The mind, body, and spirit of the individual. • Influenced by the environment. • Individuals who have the cognitive and social skills and also abilities to read, write, and balance a checkbook. Environment: • The place where the activity is performed. • Occupational performance (routine) takes place here and entails of physical, cultural, and social components. • Cultural environment is based on shared practices that define values, beliefs, and …show more content…

It focus to address the interaction of the individual, occupation, and the environment. Three ecological models highlight the importance of considering the environment in occupational therapy: 1- The Ecology of Human Performance Model (EHP) which has 5 intervention strategies: a) Establish/restore (Ex. working with a child to develop skills. Helping a person after stroke with folding clothes) b) Adapt/modify- culture, social, physical (Ex. Physical adding a ramp, if you affect more than one individual you are effecting the environment) c) Alter - changes the task, environment, and person. Influence the relationship between person and the environment. ( Ex. someone who drives a stick shift who had a hand injury and they now will have to drive an automatic car) d) Prevent – use a strategy to prevent a negative event from happening. (Ex. Help someone with heart disease with diet and exercise to prevent heart complications) e) Create – create strategies to promote optimal performance. (Ex. Making sure you have all your ingredients before you begin cooking) 2- The Person Environment Occupation Performance Model (PEOP): a) Personal factors work to push occupational performance

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