Economic Aspects Of The Atlantic Slave Trade

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The Atlantic Slave Trade was the most prolonged and progressing intercontinental pilgrimage in human history. When the Atlantic Slave Trade began a new era of agriculture, trade, economic strength, and discrimination inaugurated. European nations transported slaves from the West African Coast to European colonies in the Americas, originating in British colonies until 1838. The ships sailed to the Americas to trade slaves for agricultural products - extracted by slave labor - which were sold in Europe after the return journey (Understanding Slavery Initiative). Various types of slavery included debt bondage, sexual slavery, forced labour and chattel slavery (The Mercury News). Needless to say the three most overruling and important subjects of the slave trade consist of the identities of the enslaved and their lives after being captured. The economic benefits of the slave trade, and the struggle to end slavery and its lasting effects.

Neglecting the effect of slavery on Africa black slaves undoubtedly played a crucial role in the economic development of the New World, above all by making up for shortages in labour. The arrival of Europeans in the Americas had brought diseases that devastated and caused havoc on local populations. This minimized the potential for labour workers and seldom did Europeans come to the Americas to meet the ultimatums for labour. As a result African slaves were substantially important to Europeans for labour related work on

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