Economic Benefit Of Wildlife Conservation

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Conservation is the vital protection and preservation of wildlife and the environments they reside in. Conservation has been present in the united states for decades and continues to be important today. Most people do not realize that conservation provides many economic benefits, which is achieved through recreational activities, such as hunting and fishing, tourism, and industry and agriculture. The United States government also works to promote conservation through conservation easements and working with other countries to conserve environments throughout the world. Much can be done to promote conservation and its economic benefits, like improving on the legislation already in place and creating education to teach about conservation.

Economic Benefits of Conservation
Conservation is the preservation, or protection, of wildlife like natural resources, animals, and land. The conservation movement in the United States began in 1900 when the Lacey Act was passed to protect animals (Division of Fish, 2004). Soon after the Lacey Act, Theodore Roosevelt tripled the size of protected forests in America by creating the U.S. Forest Service, and this did a variety of actions to conserve wildlife (Division of Fish, 2004). On August 25, 1916 the National Park Service was founded to manage and protect conserved areas known as national parks. There have since been many more acts and programs put in place since then. Without conservatism the world may eventually lose