
Edgar Allan Poe Death And Loss Essay

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Death and loss can either stop one’syour life or it can be used as a sense of motivation. Edgar Allan Poe was a poet who lived a life of pain and tragedy but this didn’t stop him from accomplishing his goals of being a poet, but instead it helped give him a reason to write. Edgar Allan Poe used the death of his loved ones to write poems such as “ Annabel Lee” for his wife and “ To My Mother” for his mother- in- law. These poems showed how Poe felt and how they shaped Poe’s identity to be who he is. Edgar Allan Poe’s writing is shaped by his identity by using all the suffering in his life as an inspiration to write. Edgar Allan Poe wrote the pPoem “Annabel Lee” in memory of his dear wife Virgina. He was in pain so he did this as a way to honor …show more content…

This shows how Edgar Allan Poe loved his wife and how her death caused him to suffer multiple days and nights. He was able to leave his dear wife even after her death due to it hurting him so he wrote this to remember her. According to the article “Annabel Lee” by Poetry for students page 8, it says, “the speaker admits that he is talking about things that happened “many and many years ago.” Repeating the word “many” emphasizes the amount of time that has passed since Annabel Lee’s death. This encourages readers’ suspicions, since memories, especially extremely pleasant memories, are often idealized versions of reality,”(Author 8). This shows how even though his love died a long time ago. Her memories haunted him because she was a loved one. He wrote as a way to remember her and to move on with his life. Edgar Allan Poe lost the love of his life and it was hard for him to move on, so he was suffering. That's why he decided to write this …show more content…

She loved him like her real son and she was also the mother of his love Vvirginia. After her death, it felt like he lost another mother. So he wrote to honor her and to relieve his pain. According to the text “ To My Mother” by Edgar Allan Poe lines 9-14 it says “My mother—my own mother, who died early, Was but the mother of myself; but you Are mother to the one I loved so dearly, And thus are dearer than the mother I knew By that infinity with which my wife Was dearer to my soul than its soul-life.” (Cite) This shows how Poe considers her as his real mom and it shows how grateful Poe felt that she brought his love to the world. This shows Poe loved her and wrote this poem to honor and thank her. According to the article “ Edgar Allan Poe" by The Concise Dictionary of American Literary Biography it says “To My Mother," in which the lady is said to be twice a mother, once to the speaker and once to his wife.” This shows how the mother in law was twice Poe’s Mom and the mother of Poe’s love. This proves how important the mother in law played in Poe's life and how after her death, it affected him. This wanted Poe to write and honor her memory. Edgar Allan Poe lost his second mother and this death was especially hard for him. So he wrote this poem from the suffering he endured to thank and honor

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