Edgar Allan Poe's Use Of Irony Analysis

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When it comes to writting performance, Poe is so graceful with his purpose from sentence to sentence. Poe starts his story in a strange way because readers do not know exactly about Fortunato’s personaily, he insults Montresor whether seriously or not which enables him to receive severe revenge and the result of Fortunato is seemingly predicted : “ A wrong is unredressed....who has done the wrong” (1). In addition, every single detail contains many implications of irony. The name of the victim, Fortunato, means “ the fortunate one”. The most terrible actions are executed in a carnival atmosphere of happiness. The motto “Nemo me impune lacessit” (No one attacks me with impunity) indicates that the entire Montresor Family history is filled with acts of revenge; the jinging of the bells announcing Fortunato’s death. …show more content…

However, I’m really surprised and resentful of Montresor’s guilty, his calm behaviour at the end of the story:“My heart grew sick....I hastened to make an end of my labour”; and feel sympathetic towards Furtunato - a really pitiful and stupid guy. Even until now, Montresor does not show his regret: “ For the half of a century no mortal has disturbed them”. Personally, I think Mentroser has a mental problem with crazy thoughts of considering his cruel actions as intelligent and reasonable deeds. Through “The cask of Amontillado”, “ Legia”, I come to a conclusion that Poe wants to maltreat his prey and lets it gradually die in repentance and agony rather than making the enemy die with a gun of grace and then