Edna St. Eugene O Neil's The Hairy Ape

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They say the best part of the pie is having a piece of it in the play The Hairy Ape Eugene O 'Neil talks about the unequal social economic class between the rich and the poor in the standpoints of the characters. The play mainly focuses on Yank which is one of the dirtiest workers there and also seems to have an accent which separates him from the rest of the crew as the plays go there is one more character that has a huge influence on Yank, and that is Mildred. The daughter of the owner of Nazareth Steel the company that Yank works for. In the play, Mildred calls Yanks a beast which infuriates him, however, his colleagues claim that she called him a hairy ape. However, O’Neil paints a picture in our head how the poor lower class people work …show more content…

Vincent Millay is a poem that seems to be all over the place we can begin with the title because candles and figs don 't seem to go in anybody 's head simultaneously. When thinking of a fig one might think of a body shape most likely of a woman I also think where the speaker might be women. There is no clear answer because the speaker just refers to “it,” but figs look like women there for the reader can assume the speaker is women. The candle that burns might mean the reader is trying to find a lovely light for both friends and foes that when the two ends meet the speaker 's friend and foes might come together because she is “[giving] a lovely light.” The speaker is holding the candle so they might come together sooner than they might …show more content…

In the poem “What Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why?” the speaker talks about how she is older and sad that she did not find love. The first line of the poem seems to say it all how sad she because love could not be found and time has gone and most of her physical beauty is gone. The speaker has also “forgotten…what arms have lain.” The presence, if any has been forgotten to be hugged by another is gone. I think that the strongest line is “I cannot say what loves have come and gone,” making the reader think if the speaker even had a lover. At least she loved someone than never loving at all. In “Love Is Not All: It Is Not Meat nor Drinks,” the speaker talks about how love is something we do not need like food or everyday necessities. However, love is something that is part of human nature and has some type of value, but its value is not as worth it 's as some other things. Like death, according to the speaker is then we become friend with because, the speaker is willing to sell love for peace, saying that peace, peace of death or peace of not loving. In the poem “In Just-“ by E.E Cummings sounds and look really creepy when thinking about it. It sounds like there are clowns after kids remind 's me of the movie “It” from Stephen King. However, that is not what this poem talks about in reality try to paint a picture of the first day of spring or summer, and imagine going to the park you will see the “little lame balloonman.” Standing out in the park selling balloons,