Essay About Education In Brazil

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Education has always been the best way to develop not only a population's quality of life, but also the health of a society. This is not a new fact, and many ancient philosophers and contemporain scientists already considered the education as a solution for any problems and as the only pathway for any success. Education provides a better base for social equality, providing more and better workers, besides of bringing more innovation, which in turn, are responsible for a country health economy. As Malcolm X once said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to these who prepare for it today”,therefore, it is a government duty to provide investments in education, making sure these investments are enough for a good quality of education. Taking Brazil in consideration, its education isn't well invested, and its quality is not enough to bring prosperity for the country, therefore more …show more content…

Since 2000, investments in brazilian education have almost doubled, representing 5% of the total income of the country. Even though it has increased, an emergent economy as Brazil depends on the technologies and know how of others nations like USA, which are a reflexion of education. To change this, it is required a better education in Brazil, for than to be able to develop its own technologies. In the middle of the corruption and the economic crisis, education was deprived of investments in various areas, and one of them is the education. This will deeply affect the quality of education and in turn, the quality of future workers and the economic health of Brazil. In turn, there are many areas in education, and which of them is the best choice to invest is still a point to be taken in consideration. Another ramification of this problem is if the benefits caused by a better education justify the increase of investments in this area, and how efficient it will be to the