Weaknesses Of The Aztec, Maya, And Inca Socities

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I have chosen the Aztec, Maya, and Inca socities to disscus in my essay. When talking about these three remarkable civilazitions. These strengths stand out in the Maya civilation, as the reading from week three notes “The Maya developed a highly complex series of calendars that were interlinked with each other”. The Inca civilization used what the readings from week four note as “the quipu, a sophisticated system using knots on strings” the quipu was a basic form of doing math in an early civilization. The Aztecs also invented their own form of a calendar as the week four reading also noted “this cosmic progression may have been represented in the mysterious Sun Stone of the Aztecs”. I believe these civilizations main strengths were that they were innovators as …show more content…

As not much has been noted about the slave holdings of these civilzations. However, it has been recored that these slaves were used for free labor and sometimes as human sacfrices to the gods. The similarities between the Maya, Aztec, and Inca civilizations begin with strong central governments. The article “Maya Government” by Maria C. Gomez notes “Ancient Maya government was formed on the basis that rulers were thought to have been god-like, which to some might suggest one unified state. However, the consensus amongst anthropologists supports that each major Maya city remained its own independent and sovereign entity with its own unique struggles for political power.”. This article shows how each city had a “god-like” ruler who held control over the whole city. Thus, leading to a strong central area of controled by one leader. The Aztec government as noted by the Texas Law Tarlton Law Library was also a strong central government as it says “The Aztec empire was made up of a series of city-states known as