Education In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury touches upon the future of the 21st century. Although it was created in the 1950’s, most of the ideas are starting to see some light and can, if intensified, become exactly what they are in the book. So if by any chance, the society in Fahrenheit 451 (whatever’s left of it) were to be our society today, almost everything today would be completely different. Small things like a speed limit to things like government would all suffer because of the society’s nature. Education wouldn 't be "Education" due to the fact that there wouldn 't be any books to go off which means the common sense in the world would be drastically low, almost unrealistic to us now but through the generations, less and less is being …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451’s factor that kept getting brought up was education. Education was one of the biggest loss/downfall of the society had ever experienced. People lost the invaluable knowledge they had passed down from generations of reading and developed the brain of a 3rd-4th grader. The burning of the books caused people to lose the chance of getting a second chance to restart the society and help rebuild everything that went wrong. "There 's more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of matches" (Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451). Kids now days just can’t stand school and this may sound like the best deal ever because the governments wants the happiness of people, but what happens when there are no doctors because there is just no background info on it, what about coding and the apps that kids are always on. Fahrenheit 451 is a war-torn society because of the attitudes and the lack of care for anything which is where the future generations are heading. We wouldn’t have any background info to progress our race at the rate it has been going at would maybe even start …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451’s society can very well be ours if we don’t keep up enough and start taking our own happiness into our own hands. The society in Fahrenheit from the 1950’s is slowly creeping up on this society without it knowing. Thoughts, religion, culture, leisure activities, technology and media are all in influenced by what’s going on in the environment. The war-torn society started as a battle that couldn’t be contained and corrupted politics and people to accept and fall into a wronged line. Our first clear hint to Fahrenheit’s burned utopian society has started with Paris. Being violent is a free time activity and deaths are starting to become normal and apart of life. Syria is in a population crisis and because of corrupt officials not taking action due to the potential of getting fired it isn’t getting any better. The wars with Iraq, Afghanistan and much more are starting to tear the very basis this society was based on and going straight to the downfall of thinking, evolution and mankind. Only when this society actually tries to learn and pay attention for once can amend this upcoming and very near