Educational Technology Concept

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Meaning and Concept of Educational Technology
Education is the vast discipline and educationalists are trying to improve its quality day by day. As education process is shifting from traditional to activity based process, technology became it’s the vital part. Technology is a process of organization and construction of knowledge for the attainment of useful purposes in the social and intellect contents (Luppicini, 2005).
Educational technology term was first used by the Lawrence Liptsitz 1960, when he started Educational Technology magazine. Term educational technology, is difficult to define but some researchers and practitioners have typically defined this term as uses of variety of technologies to smoothen the process of education (Kinshuk, …show more content…

In the field of educational technology several efforts have been made by experts to arrive on professional and official definition of educational technology with its changing nature.
The definition of educational technology given by different researchers allows us to know the concept, growth and changes occur in the field since its inception. Educational technology simply defined as any instructional and educational tool, material and media teacher applies in the process of teaching to make teaching process more …show more content…

(2010). Historical Overview of Educational Technology in Nigeria as a Theory, Afield and a Profession. African Journal of Historical Sciences in Education, 6(2), 236-247.
Januszewski Al, Molenda Michael . (2010). Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary. New York: Routledge.
Januszewski, A., & Molenda, M. (2010). definition and Terminology Committe of the Association for Educational Tommunicational Technology. In Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary (pp. 1-14). New York: Routldge, Tylor and Francs group.
Kinshuk, Huang, H.-W., Sampson, D., & Chen, N. S. (2013). Trends in Educational Technology through the Lens of the Highly Cited Articles Published in the Journal of Educational Technology and Society. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 16 (2), 3-20.
Luppicini, R. (2005). A Systems Definition of Educational Technology in Society. Educational Technology & Society, 8(3), 103-109.
Saettler, L. P. (2004). The evolution of American Educational Technology. sacramento: Information Age Publishing