Nashville Schools Push For More Technology Analysis

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The Benefits of Technology in School in a Technological Society The Tennessean published Lisa Fingeroot’s article, “Nashville schools push for more technology,” in November of 2012. She discussed the benefits of technology that include, making learning fun with its inclusive methods, Fingeroot believes technology can improve the quality of education nationwide, and provides a very interactive and personal way for students to learn. She states that Kecia Ray, executive director of Metro schools’ learning technology department and president-elect of International Society for Technology in Education, has the goal of presenting a plan that provides technological access to more students. The first thing a reader notices to an article is the title. A title can draw you in or push you away. In this case the title is, “Nashville schools push for more technology.” It is clear and concise and gets the main idea of the article across in as few words as possible. The article connected back to the title, and the points she made were connected in a very intelligible and succinct manner. …show more content…

She could have gone into more detail when talking about the pricing though. She states, “Tennessee’s education formula allows $400 per student per year for technology…” which raises a few questions. The statement is open ended and does not belong in this article without an answer to the following questions. Where does she get this information? Is this information recent? If it is to be changed, what should it be changed to? All these question need to be answered in some manner, otherwise it is risked being questioned or