Integrating Technology Into The Classroom Analysis

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Technology in the classroom is essential to modern education requiring teachers to have the proper knowledge to integrate it into the classroom correctly. The measurement of how a student receives, collaborates, constructs, meets goals and creates authentic learning opportunities are seen in the technology integration matrix. Integration of technology into education can allow for a more meaningful lesson and diverse learning opportunities for students. If a teacher provides the opportunity to implement technology into the classroom efficiently, it will enable students to access information from anywhere even if they are unable to attend class or require extra time outside of class to fully understand a new concept they have been taught. During …show more content…

Coding applications allow for students to be highly active and the integration reaches the infusion level on the matrix. This infusion level is due to students having the ability to use the technology self-directed and students are also able to collaborate with other students. The collaboration possibilities within coding and smartboard are endless. In coding, students can submit their assignments to others allowing for them to provide feedback and assist in areas a student is struggling all through technology which is instantly eliminating the waiting time feedback requires. Within smartboard applications, students can compete in game show style activities to practice for upcoming assessment and work together to help each other complete mini quizzes implemented within a lesson. Smartboard integration allows for a student to receive guided conventional use for building knowledge placing it at the adoption tier when measuring how constructive it is within the technology integration matrix. As for multimedia software integration in the classroom, the possibilities it has are endless and through a simple integration in the form of master slide the fundamental options it has were presented. Using master slide based quizzes in the classroom is intelligent as it can be viewed as a technology transformation due to the unconventional use …show more content…

Using a tool such as Facebook for a classroom discussion ranks at the transformation level for collaboration as it allows for peers to collaborate and use outside sources in ways not possible without technology. Students who are not comfortable speaking up in class are given the opportunity to voice their opinion and others can constructively argue with them creating the opportunity for meaningful discussions to occur on topics within the curriculum. The many risks associated with social media and the potential distractions available within these networks can be prevented through the use of blogs where students can still comment on topics, but it is more monitored and free from the possible risk of vulgar language and inappropriate comments. The integration of blogs into the classroom allows for students to have authentic learning opportunities where they reach the transformation tier on the technology integration matrix. Blogs allow for students to use technology to present learning activities in a global context with the possibility for students around the world to comment on each other’s blogs and notice the cultural differences in the world experiencing a level of globalization not possible without the integration of