Three Main Factors That Contribute To Social Disorganization

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Differential Association Edwin Sutherland Theory proports that through interaction with others individuals learn values, attitudes, techniques, motives for criminal behaviour. Two different cultures exist, with one being criminal and the other conventional. Normal learning occurs through verbal and non verbal communication that helps to establish whether attitudes of individuals is favorable to law violation through normal learning processes by individuals who are disposed towards breaking the law. They develop motivation for engaging in criminal activity and attitudes that drives them to deviate. Different cycles of criminality can also influence their lives where criminal behavior occurs with intimate interactions through socialization. Drives attitudes rationalizations which are common with breaking law, is a key term for this theory. For example as an individual would learn a trade so will criminals learn their role and function within a gang. Sutherland recognized that “while some types of crimes are prevalent in …show more content…

Functions of one group transfers to another which can be seen happening through nurseries schools and clubs which is a characteristic of social disorganization. Women are no longer confined to homes they work in offices, the changes of roles in women are one of the main factors that contribute to social disorganization. There are three types of social disorganization for example the family; juvenile delinquency, desertion, divorcee, the community; poverty, unemployment, crime, political corruption, the individual; various types of crimes such as insanity, drunkenness, suicide and prostitution. Queen an Harper states “If social organization means the development of relationships which persons and groups find mutually satisfactory, then disorganization means that replacements by relationships which bring disappointment, thwarted wishes, irritation and