Ee Cummings Dbq Analysis

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Poetry: the only place where I have an excuse for not using proper grammar. E. E. Cummings, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts was destined for greatness. He was a famous poet, still it to this day. The main question is, how did visual and auditory contribute to the creation of meaning in his poetry? I will be explaining the various ways E. E. Cummings created meaning using visual and auditory techniques. To begin, E. E Cummings uses different visual techniques to create meaning in his poetry. He was a very creative and unique man, back in his day. In a poem titled "l(a", he uses parenthesis and spacing, two of the various ways he uses visual techniques (Doc A). I identified a couple of meanings in this poem. The poem could have meant loneliness or the want of freedom. A leaf falls, breaking away from the grasp of the tree branch, falling into the world beyond. There are so much to think about and uncover. Another poem, named “r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r”, which spells grasshopper when you untangle the words (Doc B). In that poem, he scrambles words, uses parenthesis, uses colons and periods, to create an effect. Some people view the poem as a picture of a grasshopper or a way to emphasize point the point he’s trying to make. Not many poets do this in …show more content…

E Cummings using visual techniques, he also uses auditory techniques, he includes them quite frequently in his poems. He includes literary devices such as assonance, onomatopoeia, and alliteration. In document C, his poem titled "In Just-", the poem contains words together like "eddieandbill", which is telling the reader to read the names faster. Then he also has words spaced far apart, signaling that the reader has to slow down. The last poem "O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening," from document D, he uses onomatopoeia and alliteration. His poem is about farm animals, so in order for people to know what animals he 's using in his poem. Which, is his way of making meaning with auditory