Ashoka Dbq Analysis

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Visualize you have to figure out how to stop world hunger. You decide to kill a bunch of people who suffer from world hunger every day. In the end world hunger is gone and no longer a problem in the United States. Did the actions you did to reach your goal justify. Ashoka had to ask himself this question too. Ashoka ruled India from 268 BCE until he died in 232 BCE. Ashoka had edicts written on pillars, boulders, and walls. Ashoka became a Buddhist and worked on spreading the beliefs and faith throughout his reign. Ashoka is considered to be either a ruthless warrior or an enlightened ruler. Ashoka was enlightened because he respected all faiths and he cared about all life. Ashoka was an Enlightened Ruler. What do you think? First, Ashoka respects all faith. The article says,”He became a Buddhist and worked to spread the beliefs of that faith throughout the region”(Background Document). Ashoka saw what Buddhism was and how it brought enlightenment and he set on a path to bring this faith into India. But he didn't just want one part of India to become Buddhist he …show more content…

Rock Edict VI says, Medicinal herbs whether useful to man or to beast, have been brought and planted wherever they did not grow”( Document D). Ashoka new that some places in India did not have proper land to be growing medicine, he does not want India to become weak because they people are sick and they don’t have any medicine, or want them to starve because the animals got sick and died. Ashoka is becoming a friendly empire. The article says,”Devoted himself to the spread of Buddha’s teachings, to righteousness and goodwill, and to public works for the good of the people”(Document F). Ashoka could have just been the kind of ruler who orders everyone around and does not care about his people, but he wanted them to be happy. Ashoka set on a path to be a different ruler, one who tried to make an enlightened life for his people. Ashoka was becoming a friendly

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