Effect Of Light Intensity On The Rate Of Transpiration

1950 Words8 Pages
Research Question:
How does the presence of light impact the rate of transpiration in plants?

The aim of this experiment was to investigate how the presence of light affects the rate of transpiration in plants.

As light intensity increases, the rate of transpiration (water uptake) in a plant increases.

Background Information:
In this experiment I will be investigating the impact of light intensity on the rate of water uptake, due to transpiration, by attaching a shoot from a leafy plant in the capillary tube of a potometer, and then measuring how long it takes for a bubble to move a set distance. The faster the bubble moves, the greater the rate of transpiration. I will be placing one plant in an environment where it is exposed to high-light intensities, and another plant in an environment where it is exposed to low-light intensities.

Transpiration is the process of the transport of water and nutrients up the the plant from the roots to the leaves. The water moves up the roots against gravity through the dead xylem cells without the assistance of a pump. Water is absorbed by the plant through the roots through the process of osmosis, which then exits the plant through the openings of the leaves, known as the stomata. Water is able to move up the roots of the plants by cohesion and adhesion. This is an important process that plants must go through in order to obtain H+ ions from the water which are required to perform photosynthesis.
The movement of

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