Effects Of Rural-Urban Migration

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INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In developing countries like Ghana, rural- urban migration? Affects development in both urban and rural areas. As such, this study aims at establishing how migrants are able to adopt in the urban centers and the major causes and consequences of the movement of people from rural areas to the urban centers. Rural to urban migration reduces population in the rural areas, which decreases farming activities, leading to food insecurity.BBC (2002)notes that rural to urban migration can leads to child labor when many young males leave for cities in search of employment. This causes a drop in school enrollment, rural to urban migration also causes overcrowding in the urban centers which leads to a strain on social amenities. According to Education Portal (2000), rural to urban migration provides manpower to industries, which facilitates production and economic growth. Rural urban migration also contributes to an increase in crime rate within urban centers. Rural to urban migration leads to the concentration of services and facilities such as education, health and technology and urban centers which disadvantages rural communities. It also causes psychological effects, such as the stress that result from traffic, high living cost and taxes. STATEMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM There has been a large movement of people from rural areas to urban centers since independence. This project is meant to find out whether migrants prosper and