Effects Of Terrorism On Tourism

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Not only does terrorism disturb the public, it also affects travelers and tourism demand. “Fear and insecurity about the possibilities affect tourism demand” (Pizam and Smith, 2000, p.125). In examining the consequences of terrorism on global business traveler comportment, Pizam and Smith (2000, p.125), identified through research that 83% of travelers stated they had changed elements and characteristics to keep themselves in a “safer” position. Individuals altered their dress code to keep a low profile, excluded noticeable consumption of items or objects of quality which all resulted in a position of augmented inconvenience and a persistent state of anxiety. Even though not specifically targeted, in frequent circumstances, terrorism that occurred in tourist attractions affect all sorts of people, from locals to tourists and the industry. All these factors generating negative effects on tourism demand and withdrawal of reservations, reduction in future bookings and in worldwide travel. 1.2 Necessity of Crisis Management Plans The global proliferation of tourism attractions and the industry has allowed room for rapid growth of tourism establishments internationally resulting in expansion of market share and profitability (Ritchie, 2004). This indicates a larger range of global risks implying that every country is prone to political, economic, social and technological shifts, leading to the inevitability of managers planning ahead for potential crises and disasters. Political

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