Effects Of The Vietnam War Essay

569 Words3 Pages

Pedro Figueroa
English 1H
May 5, 2023
Vietnam War Essay
Although the Vietnam War caused many Vietnamese to lose their homes and land, their immigration to the United States had a positive impact because they brought a part of Vietnam with them, contributing to the cultural diversity and new cuisine in Little Saigon, Orange County.
During the time of the Vietnam War, one of the major effects was the loss of homes and land to the Vietnamese. Many of the destruction was from bombing, but also from the use of Agent Orange, a toxic mix of chemicals used to take down forest, crops, and had brutal effects on people, the article Agent Orange states, “More than 13 million gallons of Agent Orange was used in Vietnam, or almost two-thirds of the total amount of herbicides used during the entire Vietnam War” (History.com). The fact that the US used more than 13 millions gallons of this toxic mix of chemicals shows them how passionate and destructive the war was, the US. …show more content…

It also states, “From 1961 to 1971, the U.S. military sprayed a range of herbicides across more than 4.5 million acres of Vietnam.” Those 4.5 million acres of land went to waste, since Agent Orange would kill out any vegetation, causing the Vietnamese to move from place to place if they wanted to survive. The Vietnamese eventually began to immigrate to the United States, leaving their homeland

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