Since 1612, tobacco has been apart of the American economy. John Rolfe was the first American to cultivate the crop in Virginia; the cash crop has been in high demand ever since. (University of Dayton 1) Some may argue that it is a large part of our nation’s origin; tobacco has fueled government funding for centuries and has driven many government projects. Although, they neglect to mention what tobacco has actually done to our nation. In the seventeenth century, tobacco was a strong crop for the American economy. Although it was the driving force for the skyrocketing demand for African American slaves it did fund many government projects. Denying that tobacco has brought it patronage for the federal government would just be hiding the truth. …show more content…
One side effect commonly derived from chewing tobacco is called leukoplakia. Leukoplakia is when thick white patches and lesions begin to form on the cheeks, gums, and tongue of the mouth. (mayoclinic 1) These patches cannot be scraped off our healed. (2) Medically, most cases of leukoplakia are benign. Although, they do not really go away or surgically removed, at least not very easily. One common form of this is called hairy leukoplakia. This case causes hairy, rough white patches to form within the mouth. Leukoplakia may not always be cancerous, but it is painful. Leukoplakia also probably does not fare well in the world of romance. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is also a very common ailment caused by smoking. This disease causes the passageways and lungs to weaken and cause physical activity to become arduous. Many cases advance from a decrease in voluntary exercise to becoming house ridden and unable to even personally retrieve the mail. (American Lung Association 1) Other causes of consuming tobacco include: heart disease, chronic stroke, asthma, reproductive issues, premature and sick infants, and diabetes. (American Lung Association 1) Consuming tobacco can ruin one’s life. Many people who choose to smoke or chew it are gravely affected. Common side effects of these diseases can be severe strokes that cause loss of motor functions and control of parts of the body. Some smokers go through these strokes and are impaired. People like this are bed ridden because they are physically incapable of navigating through everyday life. People feed them, help them use the restroom, bathe them, change their clothes for them, clean their sheets, people live for them because they cannot. Consuming tobacco takes away a person’s humanity. When someone is still alive, but cannot go through simple processes and