Essay On Industrial Waste Water Pollution

790 Words4 Pages

1.1 Industrial Wastewater Pollution

In recent year due to the development in many industries such as light and heavy industries, it bring the higher potential effect to the environment. Even thought, these industries can give the benefits to the economy around the world, but the creation of the pollutant from these industries will produce the large amount of waste that harmful to human and environment. There are many kind of pollution likes water, air, noise and soil pollution that come out from the increasing of development industries. Water pollution one of the serious problem that arise where it can give biggest impact to the human, environment and other living thing as the water is a basic need for human, animals and plant.

Water pollution is the serious ecological threat that should to be overcome as well as to reduce the pollution. The toxic substances dissolved in the water bodies like oceans and rivers caused the water become more polluted and will degrade the water quality as well. In other hand, the contaminated water also will hazardous to the human health as the water is …show more content…

As the textile industry is widespread over the world, the reactive anthraquinone dyes which are the second largest class after the azo dyes of textile dyes are used in this industry because of their application is easy while the energy consumption is minimal and the wide array of color shades (Aspland, 1997) will give the attraction to the users. The Reactive Blue 19 (RB19), also known as Remozal Brilliant Blue are the aromatic anthraquinone structure which is highly stabilized by resonance, whereas it is very resistant to the chemical oxidation. In the particular case, RB 19 is actually has the lowest fixation efficiency (75-80%) because of their competition between the formation of the reactive form and the hydrolysis reactions (Lizama et al., 2002;Pelegrini et al.,

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