Temperature Of Peroxidase Lab Report

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How Temperature Effects the Catalytic Ability of Peroxidase from Potatoes Abstract In order to determine if temperature affects the ability of Peroxidase to react, we measured the reaction rate of the same solution exposed to different temperatures. Solutions were exposed to a 4-degree, 22-degree, 32-degree, or 60-degree Celsius environment then measured by a spectrophotometer. The solution left in the 22-degree environment had the highest reaction rate, while the solution exposed to the 60-degree water bath was not able to react at all. We also tested to see if Peroxidase was able to recover its catalytic ability after being exposed to sub optimal temperatures. After being brought to optimal temperatures the solutions were still able to react, …show more content…

That mixture was then filtered through a coffee filter. Nine test tubes were prepared in order to perform this dye coupled reaction. One contained 5.0ml of the potato and pH buffer mixture, 2.0 ml of hydrogen peroxide, and 1.0 of guaiacol to serve as a blank for the spectrophotometer. Four test tubes were filled with 2.0 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 1.0 ml of guaiacol, used for measurement by the spectrophotometer, each. The last four were filled with 4.0 ml of the potato and pH buffer mixture and 1.0 ml of peroxidase. Each were labeled and paired up with one containing the other set of ingredients. To determine if temperature affected the performance of peroxidase each set was isolated in a specific temperature. Two of the test tubes were set in a refrigerator of 4 degrees Celsius, another pair was left to sit in room temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, the third pair was left in an incubator of 32 degrees Celsius, and the last pair was left in a water bath of 60 degrees Celsius. All four sets were left in their designated temperature for 15 minutes. Before the 15 minutes were up the spectrophotometers were set at 470 nm and zeroed out using the blank. After the 15 minutes, each pair was removed from their assigned temperature and mixed with its partner. The mixed solution was then poured into the appropriate tube and placed in the spectrophotometer for 120 seconds. As peroxidase was broken down a brown color appears and is measured by the spectrophotometer. The absorbance readings were recorded every 20